Research Field & Subject
Architecture plays a major role in all areas of human life. It plays a key role not only in the planning and construction of all types of facilities including homes, schools, offices and factories but also in the preservation of urban and the global environment.

Features of the Department
Within this department, architecture is divided into three divisions: planning, environment and structure. The Planning Division covers design, floor plans,construction planning, history and architectural ideas. The Environment Division addresses indoor environments, urban environments, and analysis and planning of building facilities. The Structure Division focuses on topics such as structural analysis, steel structures, concrete structures, architectural materials, fire prevention and quake-resistance.
Features of the Study Program
The aim of this department is to develop people who can contribute to society through architecture. Particular emphasis is placed on endowing students with a solid academic foundation as architectural designers and building engineers, so they can grow substantially through practical experience. Through four years in this department, we endow students with the grounding to enable them to cope with rapidly-evolving technical innovation in real-world society. Our education staff is comprised of professors active primary in their own fields of specialization and academia. We also work to provide detailed education on state-of-the-art topics by inviting architects working in design offices and specialized researchers as part-time lecturers.